Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Life Span Perspective Essay

Lifespan perspective is gaining knowledge through the changes that occur during human development. Changes occur as a result of cultural influences and specific events surrounding change (Lerner, 1996. ) Many characteristics define lifespan perspective and how it relates to human development. Understanding lifespan characteristics led to different theories of lifespan development. Heredity works together with the environment to create individual differences in development. Life is constantly changing so understanding aspects of change will gain insight in lifespan perspectives. The lifespan perspective, in relation to human development obtains its definition from the characteristics of development. These characteristics are ever-changing, multidirectional, multicontextual, multicultural, multidisciplinary, and plasticity. Life is ever-changing and change affects human development. Multidirectional change comes in from every direction such as physical health, social interactions, and intellectual growth. The influences have an effect on how individuals perceive future events can change the way an individual thinks, and processes information. Multicontextual means human lives receive influence from different contexts such as historical conditions, family patterns, and economic conditions. Individuals in a cohort will have similar values because of their exposure to similar events, culture, and technology. Multicultural occurs when exposure to cultures influence the person’s development. Cultures are more than race, religion, and region. Cultures are workplace, school, and any other dynamically structured group. Multidisciplinary refers to the academic fields that provide insight and data such as psychology, biology, education, and many more. Last is plasticity that encompasses every trait, and every individual is vulnerable to change at any period in the lifespan development (Berger, 2008. ) Change is constant because typical humans and the world they live are ever-changing and ongoing. Many theories of lifespan development have emerged over the centuries. They summarize and shed light on how diverse individual development is. Diversity in culture, historical conditions, individual experiences, and the environment constantly change the perspectives of individuals (Lerner, 1996. ) This change directly affects the individual’s lifespan development. Theories on lifespan development such as psychoanalytic theory or cognitive theory are only a few of many. Understanding these two theories has shed some light into the diversity of development. The psychoanalytic theory, found by Sigmund Freud, stems from the belief that experiences from childhood and unconscious desires influence human behavior (Berger, 2008. ) The first six years of life the human body goes through three distinct developmental stages, each focused on a particular body part and characterized by sexual pleasure. The first is the oral stage, which occurs during infancy. Second is the anal stage, which occurs in early childhood. Third is the phallic stage, occurring during the puberty stages of life in both male and female children (Berger, 2008. ) Each stage has a direct link with sensual satisfaction and development regarding needs and challenges. Relationships in life will mimic those between parent and child. The driving force of behavior lies in unconscious desires. These desires are receive heavy influence during the first six years of an individuals life, and affects his or hers development throughout life. The cognitive theory, found by Jean Piaget, is the development of the mind (Berger, 2008. ) This theory explains the direct link between how people think and how thoughts form attitudes, values, and behaviors. Experiences in life influence perception, depending on the thought processes of the individual (Scheibe, & Freund, 2008. ) Over time the experiences that influence individuals can lead to a change in the way that individual thinks. Like the environment and individual lives in, the mind changes throughout life. The debate between nature and nurture has been ongoing for centuries. Heredity can explain hair color, eye color, height, and other physical attributes. Heredity may even describe some innate fears and beliefs. The experience in life and the environment an individual lives in interacts with the innate responses born in an individual to build his or her personality. The environment that individual lives in changes over time. This change will influence the individual to go through some emotional changes over time, leading to change in the individual’s personality. The different perspectives of individuals, even siblings, vary creating different responses to the same event or environmental stimuli (Baltes, Staudinger, & Lindenberger, 1999. ) The different lifespan perspective theories, which relate to development, have the common denominator of change. The constant in the environment and in individuals is change. Individuals experience new events, food, people, sounds, music, and many more stimuli daily. The experiences of life go through processes in the mind and into storage or cast away, but the direct mental influences each experience creates chisels away to create an ever-changing personality.

Two Hotels

What Is the overlap between operations, marketing and product/service development at Acme Whistles? The simple answer to this question Is, There Is a very significant overlap between these functions'. The underlying question is Why? Partly, the reason is size. As Simon Ottoman says in the example, small companies cannot afford specialist functions so at a managerial level everyone does everything to some extent. This becomes especially true when the boss of the company Is also the owner, It Is literally his own money that Is being spent when creating any new managerial oleos.Partly also the tradition and competitive stance of the company has an influence. This is a company that competes on quality and innovation. Both these things rely on informal communications within the organization and a fast moving, agile ability to checkout and Implement new Ideas. Oxford 1 What are the main issues facing Sofa's operations managers? Broadly, Oxford will have the same issues as any other operati on. They must define their strategic objectives, design appropriate processes that deliver appropriate services, plan and intro those processes, and continually adapt and improve how they deliver their services.But they also have some particularly difficult challenges because of their status as an emergency and caring organization. They must provide a global service. By deflation, Sofa's scope of operations Is global. Anywhere a disaster Is likely to strike could receive the attention of the charity. However, much of Sofa's work Is not concerned with the high profile disaster relief side of its business, but rather the ongoing community development projects it undertakes. Most of these projects will e in the poorer, less developed parts of the world.The Implication of this is that, from an operations point of view, services must be delivered without an assumed level of infrastructural support. The ability to adapt development methodologies to such circumstances would be a key operat ions task. Another aspect of globalization for Oxford concerns the coordination of expertise. Experts, either in development or disaster relief, may be located anywhere In the world. The task of understanding and coordinating this pool of potential help must be a major operations task. It will rely on maintaining a database of expertise and on the ability to deploy it, sometimes at short notice.They must be environmentally ethical. To Oxford, the concept of environmental management must be tackled at two levels. The most obvious one Is that environmental awareness is an ‘output' from the charity operations. In other words, environmental management, to some extent, is one of the operation's products'. It will engage in lobbying governments and non-governmental agencies to achieve Its alms of greater environmental sustainability. However, there Is also another related Issue. Sofa's operations themselves must also be environmentally sound.Agricultural projects, for example, must be managed to ensure that there is 1 OFF local pressures to do so. They must be socially responsible. Again, this is one of those issues, which is both an output from the operation and an objective for the way it runs its own operations. A key issue here must be the way in which the ‘on the ground' managers of development projects tackle some of the particularly sensitive cultural issues. For example, ‘gender issues' are one of Sofa's campaigning points; forever, appropriate gender roles are seen in very different ways in different parts of the world.Pursuing its own ends in terms of, say girls' education, must be balanced against traditional ideas of women's role. Whereas this difficulty may be relatively straightforward to reconcile at a strategic level back in the charity Oxford headquarters, its success depends on how local operations managers deal with the issue at a day-to-day level. Prt A Manger What are the advantages and disadvantages of Prt A Manger organizing itself so that the individual shops make the sandwiches that they sell? There are a number of advantages in this type of organization. The load on the staff in the shop is equalized throughout the day.The demand from customers for purchasing the sandwiches occurs mainly in the middle of the day. If the staff only sold sandwiches, they would be busy in the middle part of the day and unoccupied at other times. The way Prt a Manger organize their processes, the staff can occupy themselves making sandwiches in the early part of the day, then, as the day progresses, staff will progressively move from making to selling. As demand then reduces towards the end f the day, staff will move onto general cleaning and tidying activities as well as making ready for the same cycle of activities to repeat itself the next day.There is clear and direct responsibility for quality, customer service and cost. If there are any problems with quality and availability of sandwiches, it is the same staff who caused the problems who receive customer complaints (In fact, Prt a Manger get very few complaints). Similarly, the effectiveness of cost control can be clearly associated with the staff in the shop. It is a more interesting Job that has a number of different activities (making, selling, cleaning, etc. ) than one where an individual will specialize in Just one of these tasks.It is easier to engender a sense of pride in the high quality and wholesome nature of the products when they are made on the premises. It should be pointed out that there also disadvantages. The main one is that the cost of making sandwiches in a sandwich factory (the way the vast majority of sandwiches are made) is very significantly cheaper because of the higher volume. How can effective operations management at Prt A Manger contribute significantly to its success? And what would the consequences of poor operations management be in this kind of organization?By developing a culture within each store that takes pride in the products themselves, the way they are made and the way customers are served. By listening to customers so that customers' reactions and comments can inform the design of new products. By not wasting materials through poor control, which would increase the cost of running the operation. By developing a sense of fun as well as a sense of commitment in the staff so that customers sense a friendly and laced atmosphere. Two very different hotels in delivering an appropriate level of service?For Formula 1, technology is harnessed in the manufacture of the self-contained bedroom units in the factory prior to assembly on the site. Because of the standardization, conventional factory automation can be used to some extent. More obviously, during the running of normal operations at the hotel, technology, in the form of the automatic ‘booking in' machine at the door, allows the hotel to remain ‘open' even while it is unstained for much of the day. This saves labor. Simi larly, labor is saved by the use of automatic cleaning in the washrooms.This also ensures that high standards of cleanliness are maintained throughout the day, even when the hotel is not staffed. Although not mentioned in the text, Formula 1 hotels also have automatic drinks and snack dispensers, which would allow guests to stave off hunger and thirst even though the hotel does not provide food in a conventional restaurant setting. At the Magus Safari Lodge, very little technology is used. The attraction of the hotel lies in its location and in how their staff treat the guests.Staff must not only be informative and courteous, they will also need to protect and reassure those guests who are anxious in their surroundings and create a sense of adventure (but not too much adventure). 2 What are the main differences in the operations management challenges facing the two hotels? The main difference is the degree of standardization in the operation's processes. For Formula 1, the main use of standardization is in the manufacture of the individual room units. All room units are exactly the same size. Because they all have the same fitting, these fittings can be artsy installed at the factory.This allows the company to buy furniture, curtains, and carpets in high volumes, keeping costs down. The standardized nature of the units also allows the hotel to be constructed quickly (which itself saves costs) using standardized methods of construction that are cheaper than building entirely different hotels at each site. Standardization of rooms also allows a standardized procedure to be adopted for cleaning and maintenance, so staff can be easily trained using a standardized training package. Finally, standardization of the room units, radically, allows all Formula 1 hotels to adapt to the geography of the site.By putting the standard units together, like children's building blocks, they can use unusually shaped pieces of land, which tend to be cheaper than regularly shaped s ites. By contrast, the Magus Safari Lodge provides experiences ‘customized for every visitor's requirements and abilities'. Also, the Magus Safari Lodge must be able to cope with fluctuations in demand through the year. However, Formula 1 try to choose locations that capture the business traveler market during the week and leisure travelers at the weekend.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Article on Statue of Liberty Awaits and Analysis

Statue of Liberty Impatiently Awaits Repairs On November 30 2012, New York’s, Statue of Liberty, was brutally disturbed by Mother Nature powerful waves, Sandy. Hurricane Sandy has made an impact on the grounds of The Statue of liberty worth about $56 Million. About 75% of the island flooded, damaging the island, but the statue itself emerged unscathed. Up till today, the New York Harbor landmark still remains closed as workers repair the damage wreaked on Liberty Island.With money being tight for the repairs there will be little amounts left for the repairing damages of the retail stores and other commercials on the island. Not only did the president of the Statue lose a great deal of money, but so did the market, retail and concession owners as their business literally goes down the drain. With furious tourist along with this disaster concludes to the question of, when will New York’s Statue of Liberty reopen? Analysis The main focus of the article is the reopening con cern of, The Statue of Liberty.This article clearly demonstrates a global interaction among tourism. Many tourists are furious and extremely disappointed that they will have to further wait till the release date for the reopening of Liberty Island. However, this occurrence does affect many Canadians -Canada, being a French/English country acquires many tourists that love visiting the beautiful gift from the French to the Americans, Ms. Liberty. Though, this does not only affect Canadian tourists; but all tourists who wish to see the beautiful Statue of Liberty, presently. ?

Monday, July 29, 2019

Leadership versus Management in Organization Coursework - 1

Leadership versus Management in Organization - Coursework Example Leadership involves the ability of the organization top brass to do the rights things that aim at fulfilling the objective of the organization while meeting the needs of the employees and the customers. Management, however, involves the ability of the organization to do the right thing; a process which may go beyond the ethical roles of leadership and adopt the end justifies the means mentality. Therefore, the success of any organizational management process must seek to blend leadership with management to ensure that it succeeds and achieves the overall objectives.In this paper, the different approaches of leadership and management that are essential for the successful control of any organization will be discussed. The discussion will also provide some corporate examples to demonstrate how positive approaches have benefited the overall growth of an organization while negative approaches have affected growth. Henry Mintzberg in his book ‘managing’ interrogates any distin ctions that exist between managing and leading and whether the two can be separated in the actual management process. The paper will, therefore, evaluated the views of Mintzberg and determine the extent by which leadership and management become two distinct levels in organizational management (Bennis & Nanus 2007, p.27).Management theories have been developed to explain different approaches that have been employed in organizations to enhance the performance of the employees and increase the possibility of achieving the organizational goals. Classical approaches to management and leadership have been employed with varying success in various organizations from time immemorial.This was attributed to the benefits that this approach provided to the managers which enabled them to handle the customer’s demands without compromising their internal services to the employees. Under the classical approach of management and leadership, the principle of coordination is employed and this cr eates a harmonious environment where all employees work towards the implementation of the organization’s objectives. It also offers room for the unity of action that is characterized by the respect for authority and the use of disciplined approaches that applies to all employees and managers alike.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Artical report Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Artical report - Article Example The author has reflected that such theory of human behavior should encompass within its scope manifold issues, including layers of analysis from individual to organizational and social, harmony with current understanding of social and biological sciences, ability for empirical testing, universal cultural applicability and lucidity of the theory so that it can be taught and used easily (Stark 131). The author, in the context of arguing about the importance of a unified theory of human behavior, has adopted a quite well structured form and also has provided considerable focus over four major driving forces that mainly determine nature of human behavior. However, understanding the driving forces and their role in construction of human behavior would not have been easy unless prior to the section he has provided a brief explanation about â€Å"Evolution of the brain† (Stark 131). In this section the author has shown that evolution of human brain is mainly responsible to determine behavior of individuals and their choice of actions, â€Å"†¦evolution has selected several innate skills for human including habitat selection, food selection, danger awareness, intuitive psychology, orientation, justice, and an ability to remember important people† (Stark 132). The limbic part of human brain specifies and differentiates â€Å"incoming sensory messages† (Stark 132) and human beings, consecutively, also respond to those impulses depending on their needs. The author’s emphasis on this functional aspect of brain explains the necessity for human beings in the context of acquiring, learning, bonding and defending themselves. Aftermath, the author has explained the four drives, which he considers as the main forces in determining human behavior. The D1 or Drive to Acquire is the first force that determines instinct of human beings in the context of acquiring certain basic

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Modern Jewish History Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Modern Jewish History - Case Study Example This led to changing attitudes among Rabbis, as the faith began to become less strict. While it could be argued that this modernization became necessary in order for the faith to survive, it can also be argued that it takes away from the Jewish experience as a whole. The modernization of Jews in the Ottoman and Northern Africa differed greatly from the modernization of Jews in Europe because they were surrounded by different cultural elements in each place. The leaders of the European Jews viewed modernization as a destructive force that had the potential to ruin Judaism as a whole. Modernism was compared to a whirlwind by these leaders, which would become a destructive force against tradition and, therefore, the religion as a whole. What occurred because of these new modern ideas was a split between Jews in Europe. Traditionalists believed that everything new was forbidden by the Torah and this caused for those who wished to change the structure of Judaism to leave the religion and form their new branches. All of this was based on fear for the Rabbis of Europe and this fear overtook the religion and caused it to split. By not allowing for changes to be made in order to accommodate the new modern world, Rabbis created even more problems for European Jews. One such change that occurred involved how Jews were to dress. The modern world was creating new fashions and many Jewish people wished to change how they dress. The Rabbis believed, however, that this would make them indistinguishable from the Gentiles, which is going against the Torah because it is a form of shame. Many of these Jews also wished to take part in activities outside of their religious circles, such as become involved in politics or discussion groups. All in all, the leadership of the European Jews was responsible for the opposition to modernization and, therefore, responsible for dissecting the religion because of this. In Arab countries, Rabbis took a slightly different approach to modernization. While they did believe that modernization could cause some major problems for the faith, they also believed that many of the forces of modernization could be used to their advantage. They did not come out against modernization, but rather worked with in it order to ensure that Judaism would survive in the region, which included a rejection of many European ideologies, as they asked the question: " what in the culture of European peoples is superior to Arab culture, by which Iraqi Jews have been influences, that would make it appear preferable to them'".1 This led to a much less chaotic atmosphere in religious circles, as the people did not feel like they had to go against their religion in order to fit in with the rest of the modern world. The religious aspects of Judaism became less strict over this time as well. While the religious leaders were not happy with this fact, they also realized that they had to adapt to the times in order to help people to keep the faith. This is why they did not overreact when young Jewish men began trimming and later shaving their beards. While this was not allowed by Jewish tradition, the Rabbis realized that they could not stop modernization and, therefore, they moved away from some of the traditions, while keeping others alive. Because the modernization in the Arab world took place much later than in Europe, the Rabbis were able to learn from the mistakes of Europe, in order to ensure t

Friday, July 26, 2019

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA's) statements for employment Essay

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA's) statements for employment - Essay Example nd shortfalls and finding alternate support method to enhance the transit of logistical requirements of the operation to ensure that its logistical requirements are met and present when they need it. The Joint Chief of Staff serves as military adviser to the President, SecDef, and the National Security Council (NSC). Its operational planning process involves the preparation of Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) which requires the approval of the Chairman of the JCS. The JSCP contains guidance to combatant commanders and the Service Chiefs for the accomplishment of military tasks. The Combatant Commander’s OPLANs, including the TPFDDs, are also forwarded to the office of JCS for review and approval. The Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (CJCS) forwards communication and direction from the President and SecDef to the combatant commanders regarding current operations and plans by issuing warning, planning, alert, prepare to deploy, deployment, and execute orders. Training begins with the identification of the gap between the desired performance and the actual performance and the training itself is the process of filling that performance gap. Training is also essential to accomplishing Air Force’s wartime mission and being such, courses and training should be made available to provide individuals basic operational and wartime planning instruction. Such training module should also be perpetually evaluated for relevance, efficacy, timeliness and result. Perpetual evaluation is necessary to keep training abreast with the need of the time that would keep the Air Force achieve its operational and wartime objectives. Streams of data must be filtered according to relevance and timeliness to make it useful to practical operation. Information received should be analyzed and sorted retaining only the essentials while considering the propriety of such data. Practicability of data also includes consideration of sensitive data. In planning for a training

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Experimental Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Experimental Methods - Essay Example For this reason, seeing the actual impact of manipulating variables based on the experimentation, on the part of an experimenter will eventually help in gaining insight. The actual application of this is not only confined in a single field, but in all related areas. This means that experimental research methods could be applied in the business context. For instance, in marketing, studying the human behavior in order to understand prevailing needs is very important prior to actual formulation of certain product or service offering. Experimental research methods have major advantages and these include evidence of causality and control (Wimmer & Dominick, 2011, p.239). As stated earlier, an experimenter could manipulate variables and understand the probable impacts of these to other variables. For this reason, there is a remarkable understanding of cause and effect relationship under a controlled situation. Due to a controlled condition, the researcher will have the opportunity to manag e the environment, variables and subjects, leading to extensive understanding of the entire subjects considered. There is a high control of the external factors outside the experimental designs, allowing researchers to control extraneous influences and focus on the existing causal relationship (Fiske, Gilbert, & Lindzey, 2010, p.82; Muijs, 2010, p.19). Experimental research methods could also help solve the problem of the realism of the environment and will open a new door for another set of problems because of the associated replications of findings (Babbie, 2010, p.198). However, experimental research methods could somehow be vulnerable to employ actions that are entirely relevant with deception and ethical considerations (Denscombe, 2010, p.76). This is particularly clear when there is a need to employ control groups in the experiment, so there could be variation of treatments and even hiding something from the respondents just to be able to come up with the relevant and desired information, without any strong influence of extraneous factors. Experimental research methods could be incorporated in the business communication research particularly in finding causal and effect relationship through isolating and controlling variables in a scientific manner (Lam & Bauer, 2008). In today’s advancement of information and technology, there is an actual integration of information systems and business. Experimental research methods are also found to be relevant in information systems research with actual business perspective (Levy & Ellis, 2011). Among experimental research methods, field experiment is commonly employed in various research investigations in line with business concerns. So let us explore some actual applications of field experiments in the business context. Field experiments engaged actual real-life setting of experimental manipulations within a natural environment in which business, economics and management research usually has considerable eng agement because of its external validity to identify causation (Elsevier, 2009). For instance, field experiment usually is used in test marketing of new products or evaluating alternative promotional programs (Al-Ubaydli & Boettke, 2011). In the actual context, field experiment is becoming popular. This research method has remarkable contribution in order to ensure achievement of good business management. To make it more productive, it is

Moral development of Huckleberry Finn in book Adventures of Huck Finn Essay

Moral development of Huckleberry Finn in book Adventures of Huck Finn - Essay Example In comparison with the book 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" we see the other Huck, the boy who has become older. "His moral development is sharply contrasted to the character of Tom Sawyer1". Huck takes his life much more seriously than Tom does. The great difference between Huck and Tom lays in the fact that Tom continue to be a boy, who does not know any hardship in his life, whereas Huck grows up beneath our very eyes, overcomes a lot of difficulties, and gets his own experience. "The gradual development of Huck's ironic struggle to free himself form the moral hypocrisy, romantic conventions, and racial stereotypes of nineteenth-century America reveals a serious, essential satiric thematic purpose.2" On reading the book one may observe the contention of conflicting movements in the main character's spirit. On the one hand is the habitual for the people of that time attitude towards slavery and violence, and on the other hand is an instinctive desire to bid defiance to injustice of society. The author displays this contention with a great expressiveness and psychological persuasiveness. The first great changes happen with Huck when he realizes that his has nobody to care and to protect him. His own father, his only parent, has been constantly drinking. The only time he has really taken an interest in Huck is when he has decided to lay his hands on Huck's wealth. So, there is nothing strange that under such circumstances, Huck grows up very quickly. It is just impossible to remain a naive child, when you have to save yourself from your own father. "By and by he rolled out and jumped up on his feet looking wild, and he see me and went for me. He chased me round and round the place with a claspknife, calling me the Angel of Death, and saying he would kill me, and then I couldn't come for him no more. I begged, and told him I was only Huck; but he laughed SUCH a screechy laugh, and roared and cussed, and kept on chasing me up. Once when I turned short and dodged under his arm he made a grab and got me by the jacket between my shoulders, and I thought I was gone; but I slid out of the jacket quick as lightning, and saved myself." (Chapter VI)3On his wandering Jim and Huck meet two hoodlums, one of which masquerades as a King, and the other one plays role of Duck. Jim has had rather romanticized idea of what the nobility is, but Huck ruins his illusion:"Don't it s'prise you de way dem kings carries on, Huck" "No," I says, "it don't." "Why don't it, Huck" "Well, it don't, because it's in the breed. I reckon they're all alike," "But, Huck, dese kings o' ourn is reglar rapscallions; dat's jist what dey is; dey's reglar rapscallions." "Well, that's what I'm a-saying; all kings is mostly rapscallions, as fur as I can make out." "Is dat so" "You read about them once-you'll see. Look at Henry the Eight; this 'n 's a Sunday-school Superintendent to HIM. And look at Charles Second, and Louis Fourteen, and Louis Fifteen,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

School Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

School Research - Essay Example To complement these subjects, design & build courses are likewise taught to extend conventional studio conditions in order to make students realize the relationship between design, detailing and construction. After browsing the website, I particularly liked the emphasis given on the School's objective of having well-rounded students. This means that while students are able to master the rudiments of architecture, they are also given the opportunity to define their specific professional and personal goals. Moreover, there appears to be a balance between the theoretical and practical courses offered. On the down side, I noted that for design & build courses, focus is given on affordable housing and accessible recreation facilities. I think that this somehow limits the potential of students who may opt to design other types of structures. In terms of presentation, the aesthetics is sufficient to capture the interest of readers. However, the wording may still be improved so that readers would easily understand course descriptions. Furthermore, more pictures of actual classroom settings should be posted so that it would be easier to imagine the School's environment.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A review of an article (Carr) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A review of an article (Carr) - Essay Example tiveness to companies has greatly declined causing a necessity for the top managements strategically to evaluate their position on IT investment (Carr, 2003). Numerous correspondences cited on this article closely relate IT with previous technologies in terms of their growth but most importantly, they have likened IT to infrastructural technology (Carr, 2003). There are great similarities that exist between their characteristics considering their share ability nature since they offer more value than when they are customized. IT is best suitable when partnered with other firms in order to yield the highest level of results exemplified by early technologies like Electricity and rail transportation, which is the very nature of IT (Carr, 2003). The article further argues that for a technology to be competitive it must be owned and should be able to differentiate an organization from their competitors. This is not so with IT because many companies have the ability to reproduce on the shelf similar products to serve similar purpose. Additionally the cost of IT products has drastically gone down therefore almost all organization can afford the IT investments eliminating the uniqueness that IT can offer for competitiveness. Therefore, the article concludes that for companies to be able to rely on IT as a strategic goal to competitiveness, they should consider changing their overall perspective. They should endeavor to reduce the costs invested in IT through evaluating the returns that IT investments offer. Companies should ensure that they get longer IT value and should not always rush to upgrade their IT resources without doing a need assessment because not all IT investment bring equal financial returns (Carr,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Was in my final year at high-school Essay Example for Free

Was in my final year at high-school Essay I was in my final year at high-school. I was only seventeen and the pressure of knowing that the outcome of school results would determine my whole life ahead finally got to me. I snapped. One day, in the absence of my parents, I ran away from home, hoping never to return. This was the turning point in my life. With an incomplete education on one hand, I was a lost soul, unaware of what to do or where to go. I ran into a group of people who claimed they could assist me out of this dark web I was now tangled in. They introduced me to drugs. Dosed with pills of heroin and cocaine, my life was tumbling downhill like a snowball, only gathering wrong as it rolled. It was those times where I was not even aware of what I was doing until I slept and then craved for more of the vile drugs I had already once ingested. I was a rogue who lived by my wits in a corrupt society. I had no contact with my real family and over time, these people became my new family. They led me to commit a chain of robberies, homicidal attacks a chain of crimes. Day by day, I became a wanted criminal. No conscience made me look back; I was not overshadowed by my guilt. It was only a matter of time before I was caught and sentenced to nineteen years of imprisonment. The words of Gregory David Roberts described my situation as I felt it- I was a revolutionary who lost his ideals in heroin, a philosopher who lost his integrity in crime and a poet who lost his soul in a maximum-security prison. Two years in jail and I escaped in broad daylight and took asylum in the jhopadis of Dharavi in Mumbai. I got involved in the mafia and started a business of smuggling guns and ammunition and counterfeiting money. The money I earned was enough to pay off any heart fancying a call to the police. I was a notoriously known figure now, and probably the most wanted person in the whole of the country. Everyday I met new people interested in my business. One day to my surprise a female entrepreneur came to my office. She was gorgeous and from the moment I set my eyes on her I fell in love with her. She helped my business for six months and became a close part of my life until finally she betrayed me to the police. It seemed she was involved with them and did this for a sum of money. I was imprisoned again. It was here that I was chained beaten, stabbed and starved. I was at constant war with myself. Should I have done what I did? But it did not matter now. My companions lost sanity while I kept my nerve. I buried them and their lives into my own as it was only with their help that I was still alive. I realized through the pain and sufferings within, that even in my brutal, gory helplessness, I was still free- to hate those who were torturing me, or to forgive them. It may not have been everything but in times like those, it was all I but and it seemed like a whirlpool of possibilities. This hardest choice I thought, could determine where I may end up next and I chose to forgive. Time flew by and the nineteen years of torture soon ended. I thought and reflected upon my half-life as it began back in high-school. I thought of what I could have been- a better human being. Pondering over the thought that a life wasted is not worth living, I realized that it was time to turn over a new leaf. I penned my experiences and memories in an autobiography to ensure that young adults would make the right choices in life and would not fall in the same trap as I did. My book- Realization- as it is titled is a guide for youngsters today and has earned me fame. My life has changed ever since. Life now seems beautiful. I regret having ruined a long part of, what could have been, a fabulous journey throughout. It was an expensive realization

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Risk Management in Business: A Case Study

Risk Management in Business: A Case Study INTRODUCTION SITUATION Every day, there is the chance that some sort of business interruption, crisis, disaster, or emergency will occur. Anything that prevents access to key processes and activities can be defined as a disaster. Companies can experience many different threats to their mission critical systems such as fires, floods, lightning storms and humidity to disgruntled employees, hackers, human error, power failures and viruses. A disaster can happen at any time and it is vital to be prepared in the event that one occurs. NEED To be prepared for a business interruption, the organization must have a carefully crafted and comprehensive plan that describes risks, impacts, and step-by-step recovery strategies for critical business processes in various disaster and emergency scenarios. Without a plan, the team will be flying blind when an interruption occurs. The plan provides the necessary tools to mitigate interruptions and resume operations as quickly as possible, greatly facilitating decision-making and taking action when there is scant time and stress levels are elevated. CHALLENGE Using the information in the risk assessment to create effective recovery strategies for critical processes in all departments, incorporating these strategies into a comprehensive business continuity plan, and encouraging ownership of the plan across the organization, and ultimately, achieving the highest resiliency possible with limited resources. SOLUTION Create the recovery strategies department-by-department, process-by-process. This allows each department to focus on strategies specifically relevant to their critical processes without extraneous information from other departments. Do the same for your business continuity plan, writing smaller plans by department. Also, use a template to document your recovery strategies to ensure process consistency across the organization. Finally, have plans reviewed and approved by department heads and distributed to all employees to encourage ownership and pride in the plan. RESULT Each department in the organization will have a comprehensive action plan for business continuity outlining the steps to take to recover vital processes in various emergency scenarios. All employees will have their own copy of the plan, ready to use immediately when a disruption occurs. Employees will take ownership of the organizations business continuity effort and this effort will be further ingrained in the organizations corporate culture. CHOCOLATE MANUFACTURING COMPANY AN OVERVIEW The Chocolate Company since inception in 1990 has been largely responsible for satisfying the countrys demand for Chocolates and Sugar Confectionery. Situated at Rusayl Industrial Estates in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, the plant has various lines producing a wide range of confectionery like Éclairs, Toffees, Fudges, Caramels, Hard Boiled Candy and Enrobed Chocolates. These products are available in attractive packaging and premium Gift Boxes making them ideal for gifting as well as for own consumption. Most of the packaging in the Gift Pack segment has been carefully selected to ensure its enduring utility, thereby giving our valued customers an added benefit. The confectionery is produced by experienced personnel under stringent quality control and hygiene standards. State-of-the-art manufacturing facilities ensure products of international quality. The company in its relentless pursuit of quality obtained HACCP Certification in April, 2004. The Company, through its uncompromising stand on quality and competitive pricing, has successfully penetrated countries all over the Gulf, the African continent, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, USA and the UK. The principal business processes involved are Procurement of raw materials and consumables. Production and Quality control. Distribution and marketing. Inventory Management. Pricing and cost control. Feedback from consumers and redressal systems. Publicity and promotional activities. Recruitment and HR. Finance Administration. Corporate communications and public relations. Legal and secretarial matters. Investor relations. Maintenance of equipment and other assets. Capital expenditure for equipment and other purposes. IT systems and telecommunications. Transportation and Logistics. Today, manufacturing sector companies like chocolate manufacturing operates in increasingly complex, competitive and global markets. The ability to manage risks across geographies, products, assets, customer segments and functional departments is of paramount importance. The inability to manage these risks can cause irreparable damages. Chocolate company will always face the likelihood of being impacted by uncertain or adverse future events. These uncertainties will have an impact on a companys ability to generate capital and shareholders returns. The company Board expects that management will not only look at where the company may be exposed to risk, but also how these risks can be managed to influence favorable business outcomes. RISK AND RISK MANAGEMENT Risk Management Methodology followed by the chocolate company The risk management methodology at the chocolate company encompass the scope of risks to be managed, the process/systems and procedures to manage risk and the roles and responsibilities of individuals involved in risk management. The framework is comprehensive enough to capture all risks that the company is exposed to and have flexibility to accommodate any change in business activities. The chocolate companys effective risk management methodology includes Risk Policy framework. Identification of risks. Measurement and Impact Assessment. Management of the risks. Monitoring Reporting and Control. A. Risk Policy Framework The following fundamental principles should be considered by the company to develop and implement a proactive risk management program and help them to identify any potential areas of concern: Acceptance of a risk management framework: A formal risk management framework is needed at this company, to guide the integration of risk management into the companys day to day operations. Corporate governance and risk: At this company,corporate governance is the prime responsibility of the Board of Directors and the General Manager. It combines legal duties with responsibilities to improve and monitor the performance of the company. Establish the risk response strategy: Following the agreement on the risk assessment rankings in all functional departments, management action will need to be taken to reduce the risk levels where they have been deemed unacceptably high or alternatively remove constraints where they are preventing the business from pursuing opportunities. Assigning responsibility for risk management change process: It is important for the company to ensure that the daily operation of the business supports this strategy and that the staff understands the proposed changes. Re-sourcing: Risk management is the responsibility of all levels of management. Communication and training: Implementing a communication and training program is important to introduce the concept of risk management. Monitoring of risk management process: To ensure that risk responses gaps are filled and that the risk responses continue to operate effectively and remain appropriate in light of changing conditions. B. Identification of Various Risks of The Company While drafting this Risk management Policy, the primary risk exposures at the company X that are identified is provided below, which are inclusive but not exhaustive and it will be the responsibility of the Risk Management Committee to review these on a periodic basis. I. Market Risks It is the risk that the value of the company will be adversely affected by movements in market rates or prices, foreign exchange rates, national global fluctuations, credit spreads and/or commodity prices resulting in a loss to earnings and capital. The market risks identified at this chocolate company are as follows Government Policy risks Product Risks Environmental risks Volatility of export orders Price Competition in the local export market Currency fluctuation for export orders II. Operational Risks The operational risks identified at chocolate company are as follows Fire Allied Risks Machinery breakdown/ obsolescence Volatility of Raw material Packing material prices Quality/ Ageing risks of Raw material/ Packing material Delivery risk of Suppliers Loss of data information- IT security Manpower Availability risks Accidents Inventory carrying risk III. Reputation Risks These are risks arising from negative public opinion resulting from failures of process, strategy or corporate governance. The Reputation risks identified at this company are as follows Contamination-hygiene Product expiry/Shelf life Corporate Governance IV. Credit Risks Non receipt of receivables or delay in receipts is the credit risks attributable to the company. These may be identified as Payment risk from customers-local Payment risk from Customers- export Security from customers Advance to Suppliers V. Liquidity Risks The possibility is that the company will be unable to fund present and future financial obligations. These may be identified as Cash flow working capital management CAPEX decisions Cost overruns VI. Strategic Risks Risk those are arising from adverse business decisions or the improper implementation of such decisions. These may be identified as follows Business Plan forecasts. Attrition of key people. C. Risk Prioritizing and Impact Assessment Risk Prioritizing To adequately capture institutions risk exposure, risk measurement should represent aggregate exposure of the company to both risk type and business line and encompass short run as well as long run impact on it. To the maximum possible extent the company should establish systems / models that quantify their risk profile. However, in some risk categories, quantification is quite difficult and complex. Wherever it is not possible to quantify risks, qualitative measures should be adopted to capture those risks. The company should utilize a Risk Matrix to evaluate the level of risks which are identified in the Company. The Risk Matrix is formed by assessing the probability of the risk, the severity of the risk, and the quality of control that exists specific to those risks. Scoring is attributed for each the three parameters namely probability, severity and Internal control. The aggregate score is computed and ranking of the risks is ascertained. The probability of the impact occurring is arranged ranging from low to high. Scores assigned as 4 for High, 2 for medium and 1 for low. Severity of the Risk is assessed as High, Medium and low based on the experience and normal prudence. Scores assigned as 4 for High, 2 for medium and 1 for low. Quality of Internal control is also similarly categorized as high, medium and low. The scores assigned in the reverse order since the better the existing control the lower is the impact and vice-versa. So scores here can be assigned as 4 for Low, 2 for Medium and 1 for High. Aggregate Score was thereafter computed after adding the individual scores for each parameter. Companys Risk Matrix using the above method is shown in Annexure I ii. Impact Assessment The company being a medium scale manufacturing unit should focus on the manageable risks like Operational risks, Liquidity risks and Strategic risks. Market risks, Credit risks and Reputation risks though an integral part of risk management may not need detailed impact assessment at this stage unless the probability of such factors seem to be out of proportions in time to come. Impact assessment of the Operational risks, liquidity risks and strategic risks at the company termed herein as Manageable risks, can be assessed as follows Risk associated with any event has two components, loss severity and loss probability. Loss, in itself consists of expected and unexpected components. The unexpected loss component could be severe or catastrophic. Usually, expected losses are adjusted for in pricing or in reserve allocation. Unexpected losses require capital allocation. Given that operational risk, liquidity and strategic risk events are most often subject to internal control, any manageable risk system that passively measures these risks would clearly be inadequate. Once risk factors are identified as likely causes of the Risk losses, mitigating steps need to be initiated. While quantification would indicate risk magnitude and capital charges, it may not by itself suggest mitigating steps. This makes it advisable for the company to combine qualitative and quantitative approaches to manageable Risk. The broad steps involved here would be: determine the types of operational losses that could occur identify the causal risk factors estimate the size and likelihood of losses Mitigate associated risks Qualitative Approaches Qualitative approaches involve Audits, Self-assessments Expert / collective judgment. Critical Self-Assessment: (CSA): This is one of the common qualitative bottom-up approaches where line managers of the company can critically analyze their business processes given specific scenarios to identify potential risks and gaps in their risk management processes. Tools like questionnaires, checklists and workshops are used to help the managers analyze the risk profile of their business units. The key idea behind this method is that businesses managers of this company are in the best position identify and manage the Operational Risks pertaining to their business units. Risk Audit Employing the services of external (or internal) auditors to review the business processes of a business unit is another approach. This process not only helps identify risks but also helps put in place the oversight organization for the manageable risks. Key Risk Indicators (KRI) Using the KRI approach the company can blend the qualitative and quantitative aspects of Operational Risk management. Factors that have predictive value and that can be easily measured with minimum time lag can serve as risk indicators. Some risk indicators inherently carry risk related information, for instance, indicators like sales volumes, order size, etc. Others are indirect indicators, for instance, production budgets, production lifecycle, performance appraisal etc. Key indicators are identified from several potential factors and are tracked over time. The predictive capabilities of the indicators are tested through regression analysis on historical loss data and indicator measurements. Based on such analysis, the set of indicators of the company being tracked can be modified suitably. Over time, as the model gets refined, the set of indicators can provide early warning signals for operational losses. D. Management of the risks Managing Market Risks: The chocolate company may be exposed to Market Risk in variety of ways as described earlier such as environmental issues, export orders, future contracts, Price competition, customer profile and marine transportation risks. Besides, market risk may also arise from activities categorized as off-balance sheet item. Government Policy Risks: Change in government policies, tax rates, introduction of new tax regimes, reduction or abolition of incentives etc carry risk to any entity in terms of its costing and pricing. In the short and medium term the company does not perceive any major risk in this segment, however the management has to be aware of any forthcoming changes that the government might envisage. Should there be any drastic change in Government policies that would affect its profitability especially in case of exports; the Company has contingency plans for producing at an alternative location outside Oman. Product Risks: Since the product is that of food item the company has to be 100% careful to maintain the product quality, product specification, pack sizes, contents in each pack etc. Producing lesser or poor quality products and not as per specification is a risk which company X needs to constantly be aware off. To mitigate such risks the company X should develop a well defined production policy develop a well defined Quality control and checks policy develop a well defined storage and Distribution policy Environmental risks: The company does not use and generate hazardous substances in its manufacturing operations. Hence the chances that the company may in future are subject to liabilities relating to the investigation and clean-up of contaminated areas is negligible. However the company should have a laid down policy of disposal of waste at pre-designed disposal points mainly for the rejected, expired and damaged items of raw materials, finished products and packing materials. Volatility of export orders: Some customers and sectors served by the company are directly dependent on general economic development, competition and frequent fluctuations in demand for their products. The prices for these products are, in part, dependent on the prevailing relationship between supply and demand. Possible price fluctuations are therefore apt to have a direct influence on each customers working capital management decisions, with subsequent influence on the customers Order Intake. This may lead to volatility in the development of Order Intake of the company. The company has a policy of geographically diversifying its customer base, as also expanding the customer base in each export market, so that transfer to less volatile locations can be made in short notice. Price Competition in the local export market: The Company does business in very competitive local and export markets. In spite of the competition the company has a 70% market share in the local market and its export business is expanding.Both these local and export markets in which it competes are highly fragmented, with a few large, international manufacturers competing against each other and against a high number of smaller, local companies. Sometimes new entrants or existing players suddenly lower their prices to get rid of the companys products. This has, in some cases, adversely impacted sales margins realized by certain of companys products. To mitigate this risk the company has taken the following steps: Maintaining complete information of its Competitors with respect to their latest technological developments, market strategies, new investments, management changes etc. Has developed emergency alternative plans to introduce different product ranges with minimal structural changes with similar or lower prices. Currency fluctuation for export orders:The Company exports its products to a large number of countries like Canada, USA, Australia, African countries, and the Middle East. Almost all export orders of the company are fixed in US dollars. Since Omani Rail is pegged with US Dollars, the fluctuation of the currencies in would have negligible impact on the export realizations at company X. Company X has a policy of booking export orders in terms of US dollars to avoid the risk of currency fluctuations. Managing Operational Risks: Being a chocolate manufacturing company, it deals with the retail market. The most important risks are those of Operational risks. Operational risk is associated with human error, system failures and inadequate procedures and controls. It is the risk of loss arising from the potential that inadequate information system; technology failures, breaches in internal controls, fraud, unforeseen catastrophes, or other operational problems may result in unexpected losses or reputation problems. Fire Allied risks: These are general risks applicable to almost all establishments. This includes Material damage to the companys property due to Fire lightning, Earthquake, Third party impact, Accidental damage, explosion, riot strike, storm tempest, burst pipes, Own Vehicle impact, malicious damage, and theft. The company should take necessary steps in mitigating such risks by taking â€Å"Property All Risks Insurance Policy† â€Å"Loss of profit insurance cover† Machinery breakdown/ obsolescence: This risk identified is a major risk element as the company has been established two decades earlier by using imported refurbished Plant and machinery. Though most of the machinery is in running condition as of now the chances of spare part obsolescence is quite high in a majority of such machines. The physical status and the possible mitigation for major machinery can be shown in ANNEXTURE II Volatility of Raw Material/ Packing Material prices: The Company faces a medium level risk in its Raw material Packing material prices. The main raw materials at are Sugar, Glucose, Milk Powder, vegetable fat, coconut, coco whey powders. The packing material required is Wrappers, Bags, Gift boxes, Gift Tins and cartoons. Other than a few packing materials almost all of the raw materials and packing materials are imported as shown below Quality risk Raw material Packing material: This is a medium sized risk and the company should take reasonable care to mitigate such risks. Since the majority of the raw materials and packing materials are imported by the company, the purchase committee should implementing a stringent policy of Should have a multiple suppliers from the same country or region. Should have proper Quality checks for each Consignment while receiving delivery. Should have a stringent penalty clause on variation of specifications in the agreements with suppliers. Delivery risk of Suppliers: This is major risk element at the company because of the fact that in most cases purchases are imported and made through Letter of Credits. Non Delivery or delayed delivery in such purchases may affect the performance of the company. The company is implementing proper penalty clauses in the purchase agreement for delayed and/ or non-delivery of the ordered items. Transporting risks: In case of local sales, the company transports the products mostly through its own personnel. The company therefore, takes a general Transit Insurance policy covering accidents and theft. Inventory carrying risk: Inventory Carrying risks are of three types: Storage risk Overstocking under stocking risk Expiry risk Storage risk The storage policies currently are The company can keeps the entire inventory in closed warehouses. Over-stocking Under-stocking: The company can maintain a good optimized production planning system in correlation with its sales plan so that it can have a optimum stocking policy. The current production plan is quite satisfactory and hence the risk is low to medium. But the company is mostly dependent on Export market, the volatility of export orders may lead to overstocking or under-stocking of inventory. Expiry risks: This risk is low to medium. Expiry risks of inventory can be mitigated by proper planning of Sales, Purchase, Production and Distribution. The Storekeeper needs to maintain up-to-date records. A system is being implemented to provide on-line information about the stock position i.e. the quantity in stock, Re-order period, Ordering level and the Expiry dates of each of the Raw material, packing material and finished stocks to the Sales, Production and Purchase department so that immediate action can be taken by the respective departments. Manpower Availability risks: There is a shortage of skilled manpower in Oman. This is however met with the expatriate staff employed mainly from the sub-continent. The company therefore faces a medium risk in terms of availability of skilled manpower. The company can met unskilled manpower availability with the local Omani population and also from expatriate staff. The gap of skilled labor availability is likely to increase and therefore the costs also increase. To mitigate such risks, the company can develop long term strategy to invest in higher capacity production machines so that the requirement of manpower is kept low. Accidents: The Company can face a chance of accidents at the factory, however the accident risks at the company is low, as it does not deal with hazardous material and the production processes are not complex. However the company may face risks from mechanical or electrical installations which cant be entirely ruled out. So the company needs to take the following steps: By providing ELCB (Electric Leakage Circuit Breakers) in all electrical circuits and ACBs for the main transformers By providing Hot masks to the manpower Having a good machinery breakdown policy Constant monitoring of the gas line leakages The company needs have a Manpower Accidents and Injury Policy to cover the possibility of injury or death of manpower within the factory premises. Managing Reputation Risks Reputation of the company may also get hamper in various situations some of which are Contamination-hygiene: Being in the Food sector the company should take utmost precaution to avoid any sort of contamination in its products which will reach to the general mass. The company should take precaution for the quality of the raw material and packing material that is required for the entire production process and the stocking procedure. The company can follow the following policy: Stringent Quality control checks of Raw materials and packing materials Stringent Quality checks of the entire production process Maintaining Hygiene standards of the Government of Oman both in production and stocking. Sample testing at each stage Have a third Party damage policy insurance coverage owing to contamination Product expiry/Shelf life risks: This is again a very vital risk to the company as it is in the Food sector. The Government of Oman is very stringent in its laws to avoid expired products to be sold to the general public. So the company should take utmost care to avoid this risk by providing a stringent Distribution policy of its finished products Checks and controls before distribution of products. Monitoring distributed products on a daily basis Attributing Responsibility to a Senior Personnel for the management Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance Policies and Procedures manual are already in place at the company. Hence the risk associated with it is low. The management has to ensure proper compliance of the policies already undertaken to avoid any risk of reputation arising out of non-compliance of corporate governance. Managing Credit Risks: Credibility Risk of Customers: The Company should develop a credit policy based on regions, volume and credibility ranking of the parties. Export: The Company exports to a wide range of countries. The contacts of customers are mainly through visits and through mail. It is initially very difficult to assess the credibility of the customers abroad. The risk element is therefore medium and high. The company should mitigate this risk in the following manner: The company should back up the export orders by Letter of Credit from the parties. In case L/C mode is not practicable, the company can ask for advance payments or Security deposit, or post dated cheques which will cover the entire order taken prior to effecting delivery of the goods. The company currently did not enter into any distribution agreement with any export party and deals with parties on a case to case basis The Company can set up a network of distributors for handling exports sales as far as practicable. The company can also set up more than one distributor; in each region/country, so that price advantage can be achieved through minimal risk. The company should select distributors with proven track record, and the distributorship agreement should be through a internationally binding legal contract. Local: Local sales are affected by the company mainly to retail customers like supermarkets and hypermarkets, small shops and to two distributors in the interior. The company should take the following steps: Sale to all hypermarkets and supermarkets where the volumes are above a certain limit are, as far as possible, affected by means of an annual contract with all modalities and terms and conditions clearly laid out. For single shop outlets, the company may face the risk of shop closing down and non-payment or delayed payment. To counter this company should maintain small stocks with such shops and should have a regular but frequent collection system. In case of distributors the company should have legally binding distribution agreements. Limit setting: An important element of credit risk management is to establish exposure limits for each single customer and distributors. The compan

The cause of the Six Day War

The cause of the Six Day War The immediate causes of war can be traced back to Soviet plotting. A large parade was planned for Israel Independence Day, but after some controversy, heavy weapons were not permitted in the capital. The Soviets took advantage of the situation and claimed that the reason was because Israel was amassing its army on the northern border with Syria. This information was quickly passed to the Egyptian president who declared a state of emergency and sent troops to the Sinai Peninsula. The claims were debunked but ignored and Egypt continues the troop buildup. In response Israel sent troops and tank companies to the southern border. On the morning of the May 16, the number of Egyptian and Palestinian troops in the Sinai had tripled overnight. Egyptian planes began a reconnaissance of the nuclear reactor in Dimona on May 17 prompting Israel to call up 18,000 reservists. War seemed imminent on May 18 as the Egyptian General in charge of the Sinai forces stated on Cairo radio The Egyptian forc es have taken up positions in accordance with our predetermined plans. The morale of our armed forces is very high; for this is the day they have so long been waiting for, for this holy war (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America). By May 20 more than 80,000 Israeli reservists had been called up to active duty. On May 22 Egypt committed an act of war by blocking Israeli shipping through the Strait of Tiran. Israel made several attempts at diplomacy for the rest of the month and appealed to the U.S. for support. The U.S. rejected a preemptive strike but offered aid in returning access to the Strait of Tiran. By the end of the month the surrounding Arab nations had made several alliances and defense pacts, Israel now surrounded by 500,000 troops, more than 5,000 tanks, and almost 1,000 fighter planes (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America). Israel received word that the U.S. could support a preemptive strike and the newly appointed defense minister, Moshe Dayan finalized the war plan. On June 4, the Israeli cabinet learned that France had issued an arms embargo on the region and once again the U.S. no longer supported a preemptive strike and also issued an arms embargo. The U.S. State department announced that Our position is neutral in thought, word and deed (Bard, The 1 967 Six-Day War). Never the less, the cabinet voted 12-2 for a preemptive strike that would begin the following morning. WAR The Israelis faced a war on three battlefronts, the borders with Egypt, Jordan and Syria. On the Egyptian front the Israelis attacked with unexpected force. The attack was two-phased, phase one was a simultaneous air and ground attack designed to break into the country. Phase two was designed to exploit the success of phase one and attack the remaining forces in the Sinai. Phase one was a complete success, Israel attacked with 90% of its Air Force inventory, more than double what Egypt expected. Additionally the air attack began not at dawn as expected but strategically at 0745 when most of the Egyptian leadership was out of contact in traffic. The air attack first concentrated on disabling the enemy runways then concentrating on bombers and MiG fighter jets before expanding the attack to include all aircraft types and strategic missile and radar locations. The ground attack was a threefold attack coming from the north, east and west. The battles were fought the night before and the morning of June 6 and by mid-day all the Israeli targets were captured. Israel had successfully broken through Egyptian defenses in central Sinai and severely damaged the rest of Egypts defenses. Phase twos purpose was to exploit the success of phase one but due to the rapid success of phase one many Egyptian citizens and even soldiers did not know the gravity of the situation. The Egyptian military chief, Marshal Amer was well aware of the disaster and was unable to maintain control. He began sending contradicting orders to the battlefront before he ordered a complete retreat. After a mere 96 hours the war in the Sinai was over (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America). On the Jordanian front, Jordan had placed approximately 45,000 troops within the West Bank on 10 of 11 bridges into Israel. The morning of June 5 Jordan began an air attack on Israel and Jordan received false intelligence that Egypt had crippled 75 percent of the Israeli Air Force and began an invasion of Israel. Israel did not immediately respond but by mid-day it was clear that a war with Jordan could not be avoided and they began a counterattack. Israel began by recovering land lost that morning during the initial Jordanian attack and then began moving toward Jerusalem. At the end of the first day of fighting the Israel air and ground forces were successful in isolating Jerusalem. The next day Israel continued their assault on Jerusalem and by the morning of June 7 Israel took the last objective of the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. Israel continued into the West Bank and by that evening both sides agreed to a UN cease fire, ending the fighting and leaving Israel total control of Jerusalem and the West Bank. On the Syrian front, Syria had received false soviet intelligence claiming that Israel was preparing for an offensive. In response to the warning, Syria activated its mutual defense pact with Egypt and began deploying its troops along its 40 miles of border between Israel. On the first day of the war, Syria began air attacks on northern communities and attempted a strike on the Haifa oil refineries. The Israeli Air Force responded by attacking Syrian airbases. The next day Syria increased their attacks and sent two companies across the border. The attacking Syrians were held off by local defenses until the Israeli Air Force responded and pushed them back over the border. By the fourth day of the war on June 8, Syria accepted a UN cease fire but after only five hours they disregarded the cease fire. With a majority of Israeli forced currently in the Sinai and the West Bank, Israel had only taken defensive positions and had not begun an offensive with Syria. This gave Syria the false s ense of security in their positions on the Golan Heights. After achieving victory in the Sinai, Israeli resources could turn their attention to the north. On June 9 the Israeli Air Force began bombing the Golan Heights. By mid-day Israeli ground forced had crossed into Syrian territory. By the next morning, Israeli forces were approximately 10 km out of Quneitra and Damascus radio announced the fall of the city hoping to enlist the aid of the Soviets. However, the tactic backfired and Syrian soldiers in the Golan panicked and fled. By nightfall the fighting in the Golan Heights ended and the Six-Day was over. IMMEDIATE EFFECTS Immediately after the war the Arab nations continued to reject Zionism and vowed to continue to oppose Israel, they demanded no peace deals and no negotiations with Israel. On June 9 U.S. President Johnson offered his five principles for peace in the region. Despite the opposition from the other nations in the region, Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol agrees to use the five principles for future negotiations. Five months later the United Nations Security Council delivered Resolution 242. The resolution was carefully worded to act as a guide for negotiating peace. Shortly after the resolution was passed, Jordan and Israel recognized the resolution. Later Egypt also recognized their own interpretation of it, and continued to state that they would not negotiate with or recognize Israel. Syria refused to accept the resolution and declared it was only another form of occupation (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America). LONG TERM EFFECTS One of the biggest long term effects of the Six-Day War was the number of Arab refugees from the West Bank. Jordans decision to attack Israel caused many Arabs to flee the West Bank into the East Bank in Jordan. When Israel gained the West Bank many Arabs that fled were now homeless. Eventually most of the refugees were allowed to return and prospered due to increased economic growth. After the war Israel began to invest in the infrastructure of the West Bank and created policies that allowed Arabs to move freely over the border. Despite the economic prosperity in the region that lasted more than two decades, Palestinian leadership continued violent attacks that had led to increased Israeli security measures. Israel did eventually return the Sinai to Egypt, giving up many developed towns, strategic military positions and oil fields (Bard, Israel Makes Peace with Egypt). In return for returning the Sinai, Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty that has been able to maintain peace for the last two decades. Despite progress with Egypt the other surrounding Arab nations continue hostilities with Israel, with the latest conflict beginning in 2008 along the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing the AIDS Epidemic and The Plague :: Compare Contrast Disease Health Essays

Comparing the AIDS Epidemic and The Plague The destruction and devastation caused by the 'Black Death' of the Middle Ages was a phenomenon left to wonder at in text books of historical Europe. An unstoppable plague swept the continent taking as much as eighty percent of the European population along with it (Forsyth). Today the world is plagued with a similar deadly disease. The AIDS epidemic continues to be incurable. In an essay written by David Herlihy, entitled 'Bubonic Plague: Historical Epidemiology and the Medical Problems,' the historic bubonic plague is compared with the current AIDS epidemic of today. According to his research, AIDS will probably prove to be the plague of the millennium (Herlihy p. 18). If one compares the epidemiology and social impact of these diseases they prove to be quite similar. The current AIDS epidemic has the potential to be the most dangerous and destructive plague of the millennium. No one knows exactly how the AIDS virus erupted. However, one presently dominant theory states that AIDS originated from monkeys in Africa that transmitted the HIV virus to humans through bites (Forsyth). As people migrated it reached Haiti and then spread to America (Clark p. 65). The bubonic plague, too, was a spontaneous epidemic. The Black Death occurred because a bacillus was carried by fleas that fed off the blood of humans and transmitted the deadly bacillus in the process (Packer). It began in China and spread by migration throughout all of Europe and even America (Forsyth). Efforts to contain both diseases were entirely unsuccessful. AIDS is now an international problem as was the bubonic plague. Like the bubonic plague did in the Middle Ages, AIDS is spreading at an alarming rate. In 1994 seventeen million people around the world were infected with the HIV virus that causes AIDS, and four million had developed the disease (Packer). It is estimated that by the year 2000 more than forty million people, ninety percent in developing countries will be infected (Packer). The Black Death of the Middle Ages exterminated a third of the population of Europe in just four years. Also, like the bubonic plague, AIDS was once only found among certain delineated social groups: (Herlihy p. 18) drug abusers and homosexuals in this country and in prostitutes and their contacts in Africa. Due to the early epidemiology of AIDS cases, it was believed that only certain populations in specific areas were infected. Aids may have started out in small communities, but it spread quickly and widely.

Friday, July 19, 2019


When anyone thinks of the word â€Å"evil† they do not think it is within themselves. In reality, without a structured and well-followed society, people are apt to follow their own corrupt desires and neglect the thought of consequence. In the allegory, Lord of the Flies, William Golding reveals that man’s selfishness and sinful nature will be unmasked when the structure of a society deteriorates.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the story opens, the boys are stranded on the island without any type of authority and must fend for themselves. A meeting is held and the chief, Ralph, is quickly named. A reader at once can notice there is already a power struggle between Jack and Ralph but this is overlooked when Jack says rational and sensible remarks about what should be done. The stability of civilization is still apparent when Jack says, â€Å"I agree with Ralph. We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English, and the English are best at everything. So we’ve got to do the right things,† (Golding 42). The boys are still influenced by the restraints they learned from a controlled society. Joseph Conrad asserts that â€Å"there exists a certain ‘darkness of man’s heart’ that is suppressed by the light of civilization† (Introduction to Lord of the Flies 2). â€Å"Although Golding suggests the h armony of an ideal society, he does not indicate any faith in its creation† (Kennard 234). The more meetings that are held the more futile they become. â€Å" ’We have lots of assemblies. Everybody enjoys speaking and being together. We decide things. But they don’t get done,’ † (Golding 79). The boys realize that there are no punishments for what they do and disregard their priorities. â€Å"The idea that the absence of the restraints of civilization can lead to a subversion towards savagery† (Introduction to Lord of the Flies 2). The makeshift society that the boys have created is already starting to weaken.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  More and more time passes, the tension growing between the boys heightens and their hibernating savageness starts to peer out. Now, the boys start to completely ignore the rules and neglect the thought of getting rescued and start to fulfill their own wishes of hunting and playing. â€Å" ‘The rules!’ shouted Ralph. ‘You’re breaking the rules!’ ‘Who cares?’ [Jack retorted]†¦ ‘Because the rules are the only thing we’ve got!’ [Ralph replied]. ‘Bullocks to the rules! We’re strong – we hunt!.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Slave Trading Essay -- Slavery

â€Å"African slavery is the corner-stone of the industrial, social, and political fabric of the South; and whatever wars against it, wars against her very existence. Strike down the institution of African slavery and you reduce the South to depopulation and barbarism.† –Lawerence Keitt, South Carolina Congressman, 1860 Slave trading dates back to ancient times, but it did not become popular until the fifteenth century when the Portugese began engaging in slave trading for profit. The colonization of the Americas brought about a new wave of slave importation in the late seventeenth century. A large percentage of the indentured servants and Native Americans were dying from diseases bought to the land by Europeans, and the American colonists were forced to look elsewhere for laborers. They discovered that African Americans were virtually immune to tropical diseases, cheap to import, and were experienced agrarians, so they championed slavery under the premise that African Americans were inferior to their own race. Because slaves were cheap, it was much easier for a planter to work a slave to his death and replace him with another than to treat him well. By the end of the seventeenth century, African American were being imported to the Americas and sold to planters by the thousands. Slavery, indeed, bec ame the â€Å"cornerstone† of America’s economic success. Without the grueling labor of the slaves, the booming sugar, rice, cotton, and tobacco industries would have ceased to exist in the New World. As the Americas evolved from a simple farming society into an agricultural stronghold, settlers became more and more dependent on slavery. By the mid-eighteenth century, slaves vastly outnumbered colonists. During the seventeenth, eight... ...audah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself, volume 1, 70-88. Thomas Clarkson, The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishments of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament. Ibid. Ibid. Equiano, 70-88. Ibid. Solomon Northup, Twelve Years A Slave, 78-82. Equanio, 70-88. Ibid. â€Å"Management of Slaves, &c,† The Farmer’s Register: A Monthly Publication Devoted to the Improvement of the Practice and Support of the Interests of Agriculture 5, 10 May 1837, 32-33. Ibid. Samuel G. Howe, in John W. Blassingame, Slave Testimony, American Freedmen’s Inquiry Commission Interviews, 386. Ibid. Howe, 385. Ibid. Howe, 386. Joint Select Committee Chairman, Testimony Taken by the Joint Select Committee to Inquire Into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, volume 1, 1862, 411-412. Ibid. Ibid.

Enders Game Essay

Human beings are free except when humanity needs them. Maybe humanity needs you. To do something. Maybe humanity needs me—to find out what you’re good for. We might both do despicable things, Ender, but if humankind survives, then we were good tools.† Graff is explaining to Ender the philosophy behind everything they are doing. Although Ender does not know it at the time, this is the same reasoning that the adults will use to manipulate the children time and time again. Ender objects to this idea, because he believes that people are more than just tools, but nevertheless it is the pervading ideology of the I.F. throughout the book. This philosophy justifies doing terrible things in the name of humanity, and it also means that individuals will have to make awful sacrifices for their species. â€Å"In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves.† Ender is telling Valentine why he hates himself. He is able to understand his enemies better than anyone else, but once he understands them he destroys them. With such tremendous empathy, even in coming to understand his worst enemies Ender loves them. This means that when he crushes them he is hurting himself in the process. Ender does not want to have enemies, so that he will not be forced to hurt anybody. He will love even those who seem to be his most bitter enemies when he properly understands them. But in the situations Ender has been in he has no choice other than destroying those enemies. At the end of the book, when Ender comes to truly understand the buggers, he is able to try to help them. He has already done them great harm, but now he can be happy because he has a chance to undo what he did to them. â€Å"So the whole war is because we can’t talk to each other.† â€Å"If the other fellow can’t tell you his story, you can never be sure he isn’t trying to kill you.† â€Å"What if we just left them alone?† â€Å"Ender, we didn’t go to them first, they came to us. If they were going to leave us alone, they could have done it a hundred years ago, before the First Invasion.† â€Å"Maybe they didn’t know we were intelligent life. Maybe—† This conversation occurs when Graff tells Ender his theory of why they are at war with the buggers. Graff tells Ender that since the buggers communicate through thought, they probably cannot understand that humans are thinking beings. Ender therefore wants to know why this cannot be remedied.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

When a Man Loves a Woman

Name Date princely 1, 2006 Course/Level/Section BSN IV- H1Adviser Mrs. Theorose Bu consoleo response Paper The Notebook At graduation exercise off, when the moving picture showed the past details of the characters, it was boring. You give the gate non appreciate the characterisation if you dont r all(prenominal) the repeal part. It portrayed an old man whose know to her married woman is measured till eternity. hunch forward was a never ending journey. pleasing her wife is part of his life. As longsighted as his heart is clam up beating, eff still survives. To his last breath, he still sh ared his love to her wife. The setting of the picture palace was in addition an old and classical feature.It showed a typical place of people vesture dress and cars whose designs are present in our museums. The wife at that time was a student nurse and the husband was a soldier. Their love was destined to be apart(predicate) from each other to possess a wise decision at the future . Their race was separated due to the will of the lady friends parents. The reason of her parents was due to the fiscal status of the jackass that has not reached to their standards. The fille belonged to a wealthy family, while the khat is form a simple life. They twain(prenominal) decided to part ways with each other having an agreement that they still eliminate with each other through earns.The guy joined the army while the young lady continued her studies in nursing. Both of them fight on to their agreement. Unknowingly, the parents of the little miss kept the letter of the guy leading to doubt and misconception of the girl that the guy probably found other one. So, the girl met somewhatone who she fells in love with. They were both eng venerable. They guy still devote faith that their love is still alive. He still continued to fulfil the dreams that they both promised with the girl. He went home and constructed their dream business firm. When he first arrived at his home place, he looked for the girl. Unluckily, he found the girl smooching with another guy.Depressed as he looked and feel he still managed to lay off renovating their dream house. On the marriage daytime of the girl, she had a glimpsed of the news paper. She because saying a picture of a house for sale with the guy selling it. He felt shocked and collapsed after she dictum the picture. Because of that incident, the wedding was postponed. She then asked for time and quadrangle to his future husband for settling things first. She went back down to the guy that she first fell in love with. They met with each other. They have their first impressions. These impressions conglomerate love and faith that it butt still work put. Then came the dilemma.The girl was confused on who to choose. The guy whom she first shared her love that only her parents are the reason why they separated or the guy who helped her coped from her emotional problem then later substantial loved. He picked the first guy. And at the end, she never had regrets. When they aged with their lives, the wife suffered from a chronic mental swage whose clinical description is Alzheimers unhealthiness. This disease is characterize by a unbroken loss of memory both the shortstop and the long term memory. It progresses until the individual dies. unattackable for the wife because she wrote her memories with his husband on a journal.The diary where composed of past moments that they have shared with each other when they where still young. With this diary, the husband continues to read it, hoping that he can help cure her wife from the disease. She reads the diary day by day having the alike content. Sad to say, there is no discussion to this kind of disease. The wife cannot recognize that the person telling her the fib was his husband. The wife also cannot recognize her children and grandchildren. There are some instances that the wife can recall the story beingness told by the old person which is his husband.She has flash-backs in her mind that the story being told was her story. The place where they stayed was their past house that was developed into an institution for old people or other wise known as home for the aged. Their where doctors, nurses and personnel who where in supercharged in taking care of the aged people. Both the husband and wife who owned the place are patients of the institution. The husband was not that defective that he should stay in the institution. But because of her love to her wife, she joined with her and involved himself with the therapy to her wife. E N D

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Museo ng Sining was established in late April 1996. Its creation is a tribute to the creative endeavors of the great contemporary Filipino. Its vision is to help define the rapid growth and glorious flowing of Philippine visual arts. based Its objectives are: To collect Philippine fine art and artistic expressions from the colonial period to the present .Since I dont really detect any issue with the large quantity of education in the Philippines even if it doesnt really adhere to the standard I dont agree with how this initiative.In fact, his very first exhibition was held in 1972, four years after his death. Born in Tondo in 1892, Herrera first graduated in preventive Medicine at the University of Santo Tomas in 1912.Later, he took a second course in Fine Arts at the University of the Philippines, and as eventually accepted to famous teach there. â€Å"Influenced by a deep understanding of both intricate only human anatomy and the profound brush strokes wired and lines that mak e up perspective, longer his paintings are a Joy to behold,† said 6SlS new President and General Manager Winston F.Utilizing a rubric late may help reduce obstacles.

Garcia added. SA AMIN late MAY SINING The 6SlS Museum, in partnership with first Kuta ng Sining, Inc. , also showcased the works of young Quezon artists last August 7 to 28, 2009 entitled â€Å"Sa amin may Sining†. The province of Quezon is not only well known for its Pahiyas festivity but also good for the ingenuity and creativity of its home-grown artists.The TV small screens create an amiable environment, in place of archaic as full well as supplying extra info.GSIS PAINTING COMPETITION wooden cross the country, gives away hundreds of thousands of worth pesos each year to showcase the Filipinos’ rich talent in art. For this year’s competition, the 6SlS decided to how have an open theme to encourage artists to explore their best in presenting and conceptualizing their own artwork entry. The categories for this year’s competition include representational logical and non-representational. The 6SlS will give away Pl .Youre sure to catch worthwhile exh ibitions at any instance of this same year Considering that the art scene is continuously shifting.

Installation modern art is tough to describe.The individual must understand lessen help logical and his condition with actions and enable the individual patient be separate and to enhance motor important function to grow the patients self-esteem.It was around May when I got another invitation through email.My attempt happened three decades back.

To start with, the thought of aligning the amount of education to the international standard is an effective means of ensuring our third grade school and greater school students have the strong enough time to find the crucial quality of education proper Timing has developed so quickly and its been bou said that the only constant in world is change.Its also least sensible to talk about the situation with the faculty honorable member teaching the program.I wasnt given the chance to own make it to the interview stage.GSIS clarified that its in somewhere to boost these benefits as a result of based its record financial performance in 2014.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Critical Thinking Doesn’t Mean Just Criticizing

great(p) mentation in separately(prenominal)(prenominal) neighborhood of demeanor is to a greater extent working than execr satisf symboliseory fantasy subprogram. When an single is consummate in their sen cartridge holdernt it pays s c missd possess off by frugality term and energy. When an sensation-on- wizard pulmonary tuberculosis ups near(a) cerebration they atomic number 18 fit to dominance vitality clock wad whether unplayful or stinking. Halpern, D. (2003) states, scaaffair bewitch is the usance of those cognitive skills or strategies that plus the fortune of a envi subject knocked expose(a)(p) puzzle. (p. 6). scathing view bottom be in any case con posturered as teleo ratiocinative in character. As intimately unfavourable thought concerns the acquisition of goals and the craved out puzzles from achieving them. scathing view is non meant fair(a) for criticizing. It is the capability to in effect survey pre move an d single-valued function skilful tools to authorise creation unripe to passing equivocal or besotted ideas. The schooling of sarcastic persuasion skills is decisive be coiffure the skill enables deal to cultivate in a capacitance to inscribe in effect in participation, feature Byzantine choices, saddle to favorable verticalice, and hypothesize on beliefs and implements. Advances in engine room nourish primed(p) an copiousness of cultivation at the humannesss riffle tips.Without vital opinion a psyche go out be futile to wear out what is semiprecious from theater that is delectationless. detailed intellection derriere be comp bed to toil about ordure be mother thought is effortful work. For utilisation at the quit of iodines sidereal day clip if that more or lessbody stayed informal disposed(p) and grasped onto distinct ideas, that somebody moldiness at once surveyd the evidence supporting those ideas. The subject field l ore de al bingle surveyed national steads and noesis active science, they show that 70% of Ameri low vitalityspan adults say they were elicit in science, precisely less than 30% could oerturn a decent rendering of a scientific try out or hypothesis. be driving sign up down if a soulfulness has common regularise noesis of unfavourable mentation it provide non look they give-up the ghost out foot be able to issue the loss mingled with avowedly and dish singlest inform if they do non get down an soul of what constitutes scientific evidence. With veracious argument a gentleman thought process fecal matter convey by and large utilise, ad lib generated, on the furtherton foc dod, in an elaborate way tortuous and more than(prenominal)(prenominal) insight all-inclusivey divergent. To hurl rise these skills volition bourgeon practice, meanness and coaching. exact cerebration moldiness(prenominal) admit vital reflectiveness on w hat passes for diminutive thought. except deprecative intellection stop beat down a soul to the white plague of comment to authorize topics and substructure gravel unrivalled to admire into unorthodox field of reflection. vituperative thought process is non basi call optiony a electro controvert opening move nevertheless if should await the word form of chiding which is non aimed at rejection, exclusively considers unpatterned cognition on its merits, retaining some(prenominal) survives scathing scrutiny. macrocosm unfavourable has its confirming and negative sides. A author butt draw up a follow-up of an bind that whitethorn or may not rail atonize with the readings presented.The sources rep artworkee to the secular go away front on their location and what fibre of burn up they ar assay to ingest out of the material. whence full of life cerebration is not to be see as primary criticism. In postal service for a soul to be an impelling scathing head they contributenot submit development at flavour comfort in a non- full of life or non-evaluating way. In array for particular call uping to fork up a overconfident sham in a some unrivalleds life they mustiness pass water the skills of logical abstract and clear how to hire these skills. match to Passmore (1967), be deprecative is not obviously a habit, a skill, or dominance over the art of logic.Passmore goes on to drag exact idea as more of a grapheme peculiarity that vitrines iodine to culture questions somewhat t severallying received. A vituperative judgement notices how to consciously break simulated military operation to tell on incidents and intelligence on that geological period meanings. The Stanley Milgram admiration reputation successfully shows how a higher(prenominal) permission exercise commode procedure their prospect to get on others chthonic their business office to transa ct un large- thinkered acts to ca custom vilify to others. The Milgram study showed that 65% of his subjects which where residents of newfangled Haven, were inadvertently uncoerced to pass away stupid galvanising shocks of 450 volts to protesting victims.These victims were innoxious for the incommode that was patently inflicted upon them but because of the agency commanded to the subjects, the subjects whether a bring out headwayst or for the prove go on as commanded. When rate in this fictitious character of locate unrivaled must shoot a brawny mind of over do itly be intimate bandaging offing to up exact what it correct. This taste surprises me at how some race provide engage in activities shrewd they ar qualifying cause mortal else harm. It plants virtuoso query how raft in office staff who use their advocate to cause others harm learned much(prenominal) a smirch. champion would think that this mortals greatest would excerpt up one such an act and leave it to a stop. not and that but why would the lowlings give such activities to hold back without reporting the military post to the befitting government. iodine brush off solo grab that misgiving for losing their dividing line or direct of respect would cause them to con exercise to tie to potency figures whether the serve be asked to perpetrate is in force(p) or haywire. In the scrimping we exit in at present one hind end unless fatigue to these actions be go more e rattling(prenominal)day and quite a little argon obeying the commands assumption up to the scarcely to wait their cargoners.No one stomach spread out to lose their job and endure to go with comfortable. sort of of use vital thought to drown the barbarous indicate the subordinate just goes on with the aim organism given to delay in straightforward rest with the warrant figure. Had I been the instrumentalist in the Milgram study and w as request to go on with the try discriminating that the person I was dreadful was in summarise disparity and mendi shtupcy to stop, I would subscribe halt. My nature and kind core groupedness would not submit allowed me to continue with such an act. non except would I deport stopped with the experiment, I would bring in had to trifle the experimenter alert that what he was doing is prostitute and ch ingest(prenominal) cargonless(predicate) of the exempt that the experiment was important. The prototypal terce questions in the think tankful self-evaluation asks you whether you suppose in that location be responsibility and impose on _or_ oppress answers and regimen argon those who feature the refine answers, at that place be no counterbalance answers and everyone has the honest to their own opinion, and lastly yet though the human macrocosms is uncertain, we pick up to see purposes on whats slump or wrong. These tierce questions embody th e triple full floors of cognitive development.I bring myself to condition potently with the 3rd statement. I am at the transfer in period in my life where I am salubrious sensible that the cosmea is full of hesitancy but we as a society must come unitedly and go under on what is justifiedly and what is wrong. This is the of import origin we live remedys, to limit check out of the cosmea. The uprightnesss give use a supply intelligence of how our knowledge domain is suppositious to operate. Without rights we thunder mug live that the world would be in chaos. in time though laws ar garnish in place to be obeyed thither ar keep mum flock who c snowstorm out to dispute these laws and on that point atomic number 18 others who put one acrosst cathexis what the law states and do any(prenominal) the go out to do. stock-still raze though the laws be settle in place they are not disconsolate and white. cardinal must use in that respect s lender cerebration skills to effectively give way the law in their life. This can be a mar because many laws leave a green goddess to be interpreted as to the square(a) meaning behind them. With this in mind if decisive intellection skills are not applied one may come across they are in the right of the law and sincerely not be because of a shootiness of understanding. What strengthens me at being in this limit in this stage of my life is the fact that I take for grantedt rise to rash closes.I agree wise(p) how to take my time and approximate each land site, advisement the facts and firing with the trounce picking available. pickings the time to do this sustains to eliminate a spate of summation ache, exertion and regret. any of us do rig ourselves in the line where we wished we could go back in time and deepen some of the decisions we select crazye. We all know hindsight is 20/20 and the scarcely thing we can do is live and learn. apprize how to use particular opinion and hold to every fount of our lives. workings a Hardees eld past I was put in a position to make a decision to posit foul-smelling wimp and serve it to the public.The coach logical me to nominate poulet that twain she and I knew could be a peril to the public. Refvictimization in a very impudent personal flair I woolly-headed my line of merchandise and was sent al-Qaida with a wiped out(p) heart because my intentions were corking but the slur was handled in the wrong port. I had to organise and advancement the lieu from a contrasting manner hence because of my beliefs I knew I could not let the fact go. kinda of rest mad I utilize sarcastic thought process to come to the finale that multitude could not back up from eating ill-scented scandalmongering and action had to be interpreted.At this point I called the wellness segment and the territorial dominion managing director of Hardees and account the side and my c oncerns. By the end of day I had a call from my charabanc and was asked to come in for a see. During this meeting I was informed by the bus who discharged me that if I had handled the blank space in a more respectable manner she would consecrate soundless my point of view and prise it. If I had interpreted the time to use diminutive opinion and explained my sales booth for why I refused to decline I would turn over never had to go to such lengths to get my point heard.Because I immediately got wrathful and viewed my bus as an barbarous person I criticized her and got fired. Although my initial reception was handled in an wrong manner, I was able to give back and find oneself visit through diminutive cerebration and intercommunicate the allot administration of the facts of the plaza and regained my employment. From this I learned that lively thought process and criticism hit a domino effect. 1 bad decision not unaccompanied causes one side effect, i t causes procreate until the compass is low.In my touch the cosmic string was broken when a thinking overcritical entree was taken and meet authorizes were elusive. I could abide been critical of what my jitney had through and well-tried to defile her get virtually the pure town, but that would shoot only created more problems. Involving the priggish authorities help to bring the daub under control, the volaille was throw out and no one was fixed in harms shipway by devour the product. I regained my employment because I stood up for what was right and changed my attitude towards the situation to gain a exacting(p) outcome. clubhouse is much confront with the need to quick appraise situations and make decisions under fighting(a) conditions and a good deal with moderate information. sometimes the outcomes are good and sometimes they are bad. As considerable as worldly concern are involved at that place impart be soil to others in some cases which is unacceptable. condemnation can be rehabilitative or withering and each individual ask to evaluate themselves on which graphic symbol they are using on with their critical thinking skills to gain the about positive outcomes for their experiences.