Saturday, March 9, 2019

1:45 British Time, 11th September 2001 Was When the Unthinkable Happened Essay

145 British time, 11th September 2001 was when the un bring forwardable happened. single of the tallest buildings in the world was hit by a passenger kB. The nation on the streets of New York could only watch in shock, horror and hesitancy as the low-flying aircraft headed straight for the northern tower of the world trade centre. The jet headed for roughly the 65th to 70th floor of the tower. In a destroy second, the jet disappeared into the side of the tower, exploding as it did so. Only ten minutes later, when goggle box crews had been alerted to the scene by the first incident, an opposite low-flying aircraft was spotted.Live on US television, the jet banked left and disappeared into the s step uphern tower, exploding as the first one had. As I stated in the first sentence, this all happened at intimately a quarter to two in the aft(prenominal)noon. On arriving home from school, I still wasnt aware of what had happened a couple of hours ago. I went level to the newsagent s down the road to buy a magazine. I noticed that the stigmatize assistants were paying very close attention to the radio, yet it still didnt come to me that something was up. At around half past four I turned on the television and couldnt believe what I saw. in that respect were images of the disaster, being shown over and over again. It didnt come to me immediately how ripe the incident was. As I carried on watching, I began to understand more(prenominal) clearly the significance of the disaster. And seeing images of people coming out of the buildings with caudex all over them made me wonder who on earth would de cosmosd to do a thing like that. The slow motion replays of the crashes showed how the jets just tore through and through the walls of the towers like cardboard, and exploding as they went through the walls.It was painful to watch, and uneasy to think of all the people on board the woodworking plane and privileged the buildings. These terrorist attacks had been e xtremely well planned. Both of the jets were on domestic flights, where the security is not as tight as international flights are. It would be easy, experts say, to take a knife on board. In addition to this, both the flights would call for been 6 hours long had the disaster not happened, so in that location was a dish out of fuel on board which would have aided the fire spreading down through the building.It really hit home to me how dreadful it mustiness have been inside the buildings as television pictures showed numerous people leap to their death from the towers. How desperate must the situation inside have been to turn out from 80 floors up? I dread to think. Soon the situation worsened. I gasped with horror as pictures of one of the towers collapsing to the ground were broadcasted by the English stations. It was evidently horrible to see, and the detritus created was so thick that some of the pictures showed nothing because of the dust in front of the camera.A few mi nutes later the other tower disappeared from that famous New York sensible horizon as well, and the terrorists had fully succeeded. The terrorists must have also been able to fly the aircrafts. Surly no the Statesn pilot (or any nationality pilot for that matter) would fly an aircraft into the Twin Towers, whether threatened with a knife or not. I cant believe that American Airlines would be so careless, as the crime rate in America is extremely high anyway.Of course I am not verbalise that any normal American would want to fly a plane into a major building in their own country, still if there was a mentally disabled person who got on a plane with a knife you never k right away what they might do. If security on these flights had been tighter none of this would have happened, surly. The disbelief was still around for humanityy geezerhood after the disaster actually happened, and fire fighters were still searching through the rubble, hoping to find a few survivors among the mess . A few days after the crashes, it was thought that the person responsible was Asuma stash away Laden.As time went on it became more and more certain that Bin Laden was responsible, and eventually the man himself admitted as much on Afghan television. He is now the just about sought after person in the world, with George W. Bush offering a $25,000,000 reward for anyone who can tell the USA where Bin Laden is hidden. fifty-fifty thought Im not American, everytime I see Bin Laden on the news, anger builds up inside me. How could someone do what he did? He doesnt look like someone who has killed thousands, but he has, and hes possibly the most hated man in the world.Having been to New York, (and incidentally, opting to go up the Empire State build rather than one of the Twin Towers, which I now slightly regret), I feel that I can relate more to what has happened than I would have been able to otherwise. The photos I have of the skyline of New York obviously implicate the Twin Towe rs, and I can imagine how wrong the skyline now looks. When I look back on the photos, it makes me wonder why those buildings, which fitted into the skyline so well, are nolonger there. Why did Bin Laden do this?In conclusion, my feelings now, compared to my feelings right after it happened havent really changed. Having found out who was responsible, I now know what direction to put my hate towards, and the initial shock has faded, gradually. But when September 11th is mentioned, I still kick a thought for the people in the buildings and on the aircrafts and their families. I dearly hope that nothing of this nature ever happens again. And to finish I think that it is worth asking the question If God does exist, where on earth was he on September 11th?

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