Saturday, May 11, 2019

Middle East Augmentation System - same ideas of WAAS but this is in Research Paper

Middle eastern hemisphere Augmentation System - resembling ideas of WAAS but this is in the middle east - Research Paper Exampleion administration of rules is used to modify aircraft to rely on GPS for all phases of flight, includingprecision approachesto any airport within its coverage area. On the opposite hand, Europe has the European GNSS overlay system (EGNOS). India is launching its GPS-aided Geo-augmented navigation (GAGAN) system however, Japan has the multifunction send augmentation system (MSAS). They are all satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) and are already delivering improved accuracy and integrity for GPS users over much of the Union hemisphere.Since we do not have augmentation system in the Middle East, we came with new idea of creating Middle East wide augmentation system (MEWAS). The system of satellites and ground stations, which will giveGPSsignal corrections for errors, caused by ionosphere disturbances, timing, and satellite orbit errors.In this report, we will present our new idea Middle East wide augmentation system Space and Ground Segments as an integration part of Global Satellite Augmentation System (GSAS) for enhanced duty Control and Management (TCM) globally at sea, on the ground (road and railway vehicles) and in the air. We will reason how it works. Beside of that, we will look for some benefits, limitations and the future of Middle East wide augmentation system (MEWAS). The purpose of this enrolment is introducing in details (MEWAS) system, which will make flying more efficient and safe for users.GPS is a global status, navigation, and timing network consisting of space, ground control, and user equipment segments that support the broadcasts of military and civil GPS signals. These signals each include positioning and timing information, which enables users with GPS receivers to determine their position and time, 24 hours a day, worldwide. All branches of the military to guide troops movements, structured logistics support and battle space situational awareness, and communications network synchronization use GPS. In addition, bombs and

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